Do African Sideneck Turtles Sleep Underwater?

Yes, African Sideneck turtles do sleep underwater. This is because they are aquatic species and spend most of their time in the water. They have a specialized breathing system that allows them to remain submerged for extended periods of time without coming up for air.

During the day, when the sun is at its peak, these turtles tend to take naps underwater to help conserve energy and stay cool in hot weather. At night when it’s darker and cooler outside, they will often remain submerged for several hours while sleeping. The oxygen stored in their bloodstream helps keep them alive during this process so no need to come up for air is necessary until morning arrives again.

How Deep Should African Sideneck Turtle Water Be?

African Sideneck turtles should have a water depth of at least twice their shell length. It is important that they can easily swim and dive, so deeper water is preferred. If you are housing more than one turtle, the enclosure should be large enough for them to swim freely and escape each other when needed.

The water should also be kept clean by changing it frequently or using a filter system in order to prevent the accumulation of unhealthy bacteria and parasites. Additionally, the temperature of the water must be maintained between 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit (20-25 Celsius) in order for your turtle’s health not to deteriorate over time.

African Sideneck turtles need access to both land and water; therefore, an area with plenty of rocks where they can climb out of the tank as well as shallow parts with only 1-2 inches (2 -5 cm) deep or less would best suit their needs.

This will give them ample space to bask in the sun if necessary while keeping them safe from any potential predators lurking near the surface of their enclosure.

Is It Normal for My Turtle to Sleep Underwater?

Yes, it is completely normal for a turtle to sleep underwater. Turtles use the water as an aid in regulating their body temperature, so they are often found resting inside or beneath the surface of the tank while suspended in place by their strong flippers. Additionally, turtles need oxygen to breathe just like humans do and can get this from both air and water through specialized organs called “branchiostegal lungs.”

This means that your turtle will be able to rest comfortably underwater even when you can’t see them moving around. As long as there’s enough space for them to move freely within the tank and access plenty of oxygenated water at all times, then it’s perfectly healthy for your pet turtle to spend some time asleep beneath the surface.

Are African Sideneck Turtles Aquatic?

African Sideneck turtles are a species of aquatic turtle native to Africa. They are a semi-aquatic species, meaning they spend time both in the water and on land. In order to survive, African Sideneck turtles must have access to both an aquatic habitat as well as a dry area with enough sunlight for them to bask in.

This type of turtle is usually found near rivers or streams where there is slow-moving water that provides plenty of food sources such as insects and plant material. African Sideneck turtles require warm temperatures throughout the year so they can remain active and feed regularly. In the wild, these turtles live from 10–20 years but can live up to 40+ years in captivity if properly cared for.

While mainly carnivorous, African Sideneck Turtles will also eat some vegetation which helps balance their diet when living in captivity. These animals are popular pets due to their interesting appearance and relatively easy care requirements compared to other types of reptiles; however potential owners should be aware that like all wildlife it’s important not only to meet their basic needs but also to provide them with enrichment opportunities like adding rocks or plants into the tank so they can explore new environments while remaining safe at home!

Do African Side Necked Turtles Sleep Underwater?

African side-necked turtles, also known as pleurodires, are a unique species of turtle found in Africa and South America. They have the ability to sleep underwater for extended periods of time due to their physiology and behavior. The turtles can remain submerged by taking air into their lungs while they sleep, enabling them to stay beneath the surface without needing to come up for air.

This is possible thanks to their specialized breathing apparatus which allows them to absorb oxygen from both water and air simultaneously. During this type of sleeping process, their heart rate slows down significantly so that they require very little energy; this helps conserve oxygen when long rest periods are necessary. In addition, African side-necked turtles typically find shelter among aquatic plants or rocks where they can hide from potential predators while resting peacefully underwater during the day or night.

Although not all species will take advantage of this method of sleeping (such as those inhabiting shallow waters), it provides an effective way for these animals to protect themselves and save energy in times when food is scarce or environmental conditions may be challenging.

Common Turtle Care Mistakes With Avoid Them!


African Sideneck Turtles have a unique ability to sleep underwater. While they typically do not stay submerged for extended periods of time, they are capable of taking short naps while underwater by using their specialized respiratory system and oxygen-storing abilities. With further research and study, we may be able to better understand the full extent of this fascinating creature’s capabilities.