How Big Does a African Sideneck Turtle Get?

African Sideneck turtles can grow to be quite large, reaching up to 12 inches in length and weighing around 8-11 pounds. They are one of the larger species of turtle found in Africa with a carapace (shell) that is usually brown or olive green in color. They have long necks which they use for feeding on aquatic plants as well as small fish and invertebrates.

These turtles prefer slow-moving rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and marshes where there are plenty of vegetation for them to feed upon. Their strong webbed feet allow them to swim quickly when necessary to avoid predators such as herons and crocodiles. African Sideneck turtles also spend much time basking under the sun on logs or rocks so they need an environment that has access to both land and water elements.

How Long Do African Sideneck Turtles Live?

African Sideneck Turtles are known to be one of the longest-living species of turtles, with some individuals reaching over 200 years of age. In captivity, they typically live between 40 and 50 years on average, though this may vary depending on environmental factors and diet. As a long-term pet, African Sideneck Turtles require a large enclosure and proper care to ensure that they can live out their full life span.

African Sideneck Turtle Male Or Female

Although it can be difficult to determine the sex of an African Sideneck Turtle, there are certain characteristics that can help. Male turtles tend to have longer and thicker tails than females as well as a concave plastron (the bottom shell). Additionally, males may also have red eyes while female’s typically appear brown or yellowish in color.

African Sideneck Turtle Food List

African Sideneck Turtles require a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter. These turtles should be fed a combination of high-quality pellets, romaine lettuce, collard greens, kale, clover, dandelion greens, frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms, earthworms, krill, and other crustaceans such as shrimp. Additionally, they may enjoy occasional treats like fruits (e.g., bananas) and vegetables (e.g., carrots).

African Sideneck Turtle Adaptations

The African Sideneck Turtle is an omnivore and has adapted to survive in a variety of habitats. Its unique neck shape allows it to reach food sources that other turtles can’t access. The turtle’s long claws enable it to climb trees and logs to find food, as well as dig for buried prey like worms and insects.

It also has strong jaws which are used for crushing hard shells like snails or clams. African Sideneck Turtles have evolved thick skin on their shell and head, which helps them protect themselves from predators such as birds of prey or large mammals.

How Long Do African Sideneck Turtles Live For?

African Sideneck turtles are a species of freshwater turtle that are native to Africa. These resilient reptiles have long lifespans and can live up to 40 years in captivity with proper care. In the wild, they tend to live significantly shorter lives due to predation, disease, and other environmental factors like water quality and temperature fluctuations.

African Sideneck turtles require special care from their keepers as they grow older; regular health checks by an experienced veterinarian are essential for ensuring their longevity. They should also be provided with plenty of space for swimming, basking areas for warmth, ample hiding places so they feel secure, and a diet composed mainly of leafy greens supplemented with occasional proteins such as earthworms or shrimp. With dedicated care over the years, these amazing creatures can become beloved lifelong companions!

How Big of a Tank Does a African Sideneck Turtle Need?

When considering the size of the tank you should purchase for an African Sideneck Turtle, it is important to keep in mind that they are a semi-aquatic species and require both land and water habitats. An adult African Sideneck Turtle needs at least a 50-gallon aquarium with plenty of space for swimming and basking areas. To ensure your turtle has enough room to swim and explore, consider purchasing a larger tank if possible; 75 gallons or more will provide ample space for the turtle to move about freely.

Additionally, be sure that any tank purchased comes equipped with a secure lid as these turtles can often escape from tanks without one! Lastly, it’s essential that you stock the aquarium with appropriate filtration systems such as power filters or canister filters so your turtle’s habitat remains clean and healthy. With proper care and attention given to their environment, an African Sideneck Turtle can live up to 30 years or longer!

Do African Sideneck Turtles Need Land?

African Sideneck turtles, also known as Pelomedusa subrufa, are a species of freshwater turtle native to the African continent. As such, they require both water and land in order to thrive. In the wild, these aquatic reptiles spend most of their time in shallow bodies of water, where they feed on vegetation or other small prey items.

They will also venture onto land for periods of basking and nesting activities. African Sideneck turtles need access to the dry ground so that they can dig burrows and lay eggs. Without adequate access to terrestrial areas where these important behaviors can take place, captivity-raised specimens may suffer from stunted growth or reproductive issues due to a lack of stimulation from their environment.

Additionally, it is important for captive habitats (whether indoor/outdoor enclosures) to provide ample soft substrate material across various depth levels so that the turtles have appropriate places for digging and hiding during times when they feel threatened or stressed out by environmental changes or human interaction with them. Ultimately, providing an optimal home setup that includes both wet and dry elements is essential if one wishes to ensure their African Sideneck turtle remains healthy and contented over its lifetime!

Can African Sideneck Turtles Live With Fish?

Yes, African Sideneck turtles can live with fish! These unique reptiles are semi-aquatic and enjoy living in a habitat that includes both water and land. They make excellent tank mates for most species of freshwater fish because they are not aggressive feeders and rarely bite.

Their diet consists mostly of plant matter, so they won’t steal food from your fish or compete with them for resources. Plus, their slow swimming style makes it easy to keep up with fast-moving fish like Danios or barbs. It’s important to note that African Sideneck turtles do require some special care compared to other aquatic pets due to their sensitive skin.

A warm basking spot is necessary as well as plenty of hiding places so they don’t get stressed out by being overexposed in the tank environment. Because of these extra needs, it’s best if you have an experienced aquarist on hand when setting up a tank for one of these turtles and its accompanying fish friends!

How Long Can African Sideneck Turtles Be Out of Water?

African Sideneck turtles are semi-aquatic, meaning they spend much of their time both in and out of water. While they need access to water to bathe and drink, they can stay out of the water for extended periods of time without ill effects. Depending on the age and size, African Sideneck turtles can typically be left out of the water for up to 12 hours before needing a return swim or bath.

African Sideneck Turtle Pros and Cons


African Sideneck Turtles can grow to be quite large and are some of the largest freshwater turtles in the world. They have a lifespan of between 30-50 years and require special care as well as specialized diets to keep them healthy. With proper care and environmental conditions, these turtles can provide enjoyment for many years to come.