Why is My Red Eared Slider Not Eating?

There are several possible reasons why a Red Eared Slider may not be eating. One possibility is that it has been recently moved to a new tank and is still adjusting to its environment. If this is the case, then it can take some time for them to get used to their surroundings before they begin eating again.

Another possibility could be that the water temperature in their tank is either too low or too high for them, which makes them uncomfortable and less likely to eat. Poor water quality can also make turtles uninterested in food due to bacteria levels being too high. If there have been any recent changes in diet such as adding new foods or changing the ratio of protein/calcium intake, then this could cause your turtle not to eat as well. It’s important that you check all these factors before assuming there might be an illness present with your turtle.

If your red eared slider is not eating, it could be a sign of illness or distress. If this persists for more than 24 hours, you should take the turtle to a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues. Additionally, if your turtle’s environment is too cold or not properly maintained in terms of cleanliness and nutrition, it may refuse food until its habitat has been improved.

Why is My Red-Eared Slider Not Eating Pellets?

Many owners struggle to get their Red-eared sliders to eat pellets. This could be due to several reasons such as the water temperature not being warm enough or because the turtle is used to eating live food instead of processed foods like pellets.

If your turtle isn’t interested in eating pellets, you can try offering them other sources of nutrition including leafy greens and insects. Additionally, make sure you’re providing plenty of UVB light for your RES that will help it metabolize its food better and ensure overall optimal health.

Why is My Red-Eared Slider Not Eating Winter?

Red-Eared Sliders, a popular pet turtle species, tend to go into a state of hibernation during the winter months when temperatures are low. During this time they will stop eating and moving around as much in an effort to conserve energy.

If you own a Red-Eared Slider it’s important that you don’t try to force them to eat during this period as it can stress them out and lead to health problems down the road. Instead, simply provide food and allow your turtle plenty of opportunity for light basking so that they have enough energy reserves for when spring arrives!

How Long Can a Red-Eared Slider Go Without Food?

A red-eared slider is an omnivorous turtle and can go without food for up to two weeks, depending on its size. While they do not require a large amount of food, it’s important to provide them with a balanced diet that consists of both plant and animal matter. Even small amounts of food should be offered daily in order to maintain their health and prevent nutrient deficiencies from developing.

Why is My Red Eared Slider Not Eating And Moving?

If your Red Eared Slider is not eating and moving around as much as usual, it could be a sign of an underlying problem. Common issues that can cause this include stress due to overcrowding, poor water quality, or even sickness.

If you are concerned about your turtle’s lack of appetite, take them to the vet for a check-up and try providing plenty of variety in their diet so they don’t get bored with their meals. Additionally, make sure their habitat has been properly set up with appropriate temperature and humidity levels so they have everything they need to stay active and healthy!

What Do I Do If My Red-Eared Slider Won’t Eat?

If your red-eared slider isn’t eating, it could be due to a variety of factors. It is important to determine the cause of why he or she won’t eat before trying any remedies. First, make sure that his environment is ideal and comfortable for him.

Make sure that the temperature and lighting are appropriate for his species, as well as provide him with enough space to swim freely in clean water. If his environment checks out, then you should look into if there may be some sort of health issue causing them not to want food such as an infection or illness. Take him/her to a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles so they can properly diagnose any underlying medical problems that could be preventing your turtle from eating normally.

Once these have been ruled out then consider if the food being offered is appealing enough for them by offering a varied diet including live foods like worms and insects which they will find more exciting than dried pellets or frozen shrimp alone. Finally, ensure that you are giving them ample time each day (2-3 times) where they can find their own food in addition to what you provide yourself; this provides further stimulation and encourages natural feeding behaviors which helps keep turtles healthy both physically and mentally!

How Do I Get My Red-Eared Slider to Eat?

If you have recently purchased or adopted a red-eared slider, it can take some time for them to become accustomed to their new environment and start eating. Getting your red-eared slider to eat can be quite challenging, but there are several things you can do to help encourage them. It is important that your turtle has access to food at all times as turtles will typically graze throughout the day rather than eating a large meal all at once.

Offer foods such as pellets specifically designed for aquatic turtles, along with fresh vegetables like lettuce and peas. You should also offer live feeder fish or worms if available in your area these items provide protein which is essential for healthy growth. Be sure not to overfeed; excess food may cause health problems down the road.

If possible, try hand feeding your red-eared slider by placing pieces of food directly into its mouth this helps create a bond between you and your pet while teaching them what they should eat when offered something new or unfamiliar. Lastly, don’t forget that water quality plays an important role in getting a turtle to eat; make sure their habitat is clean and free from pollutants so they feel comfortable enough to start chowing down!

How Long Can a Red-Eared Slider Live Without Food?

Red-eared slider turtles are one of the most popular pet turtle species and for good reason! They have a long lifespan, often living up to 30 years in captivity. But how long can a red-eared slider live without food?

The answer is actually quite surprising these turtles can survive for an impressive amount of time without any sustenance at all. Studies have found that these reptiles can go for months without eating anything. This is because they’re able to store fat reserves in their bodies which they use when there isn’t enough food around.

So while it’s still important to keep your turtle well-fed and healthy with a nutritious diet, you don’t need to worry if you ever forget or are unable to feed them regularly, they should be just fine until their next meal arrives!

Are Red-Eared Sliders Picky Eaters?

Red-eared sliders are a type of semi-aquatic turtle that can be found in many ponds and lakes across North America. When it comes to their diet, these turtles have been historically considered picky eaters because they prefer certain food items over others. However, this isn’t necessarily true!

Red-eared sliders will feed on almost anything they come across whether it’s bugs or vegetation. They’re omnivorous creatures with an appetite for plant matter such as lettuce and water plants, while they also enjoy small crustaceans like snails and crayfish.

Even though these reptiles may seem finicky when offered vegetables or fruits at first glance, studies have shown that red-eared sliders actually love eating them once they become accustomed to them. So if you’re looking for a pet turtle that won’t turn its nose up at your offerings then the red-eared slider could be just what you need!

My TURTLE Doesn’t EAT, What to do if my TURTLE is NOT EATING?


If you own a red-eared slider and it’s not eating, the first step is to identify what may be causing the issue. This could include changes in temperature, water quality or environment, illness, or injury. Once you have identified the cause of your turtle’s lack of appetite, take appropriate steps to remedy it.

Furthermore, make sure to feed your turtle healthy food that meets its nutritional needs as well as provide clean and comfortable living conditions for optimal health and wellbeing.