What to Feed Red Eared Slider Turtles?

Red eared slider turtles are omnivorous, meaning they can eat both plants and animals. A diet rich in proteins is recommended to ensure healthy growth and development. Offer your turtle a variety of foods such as cooked chicken or fish, earthworms, insects (such as crickets), bloodworms, snails, shrimp pellets, chopped vegetables like broccoli and kale, aquatic plant material (such as pondweed), commercially-prepared turtle food flakes or pellets; additionally you can feed them occasional treats such as small amounts of frozen thawed peas or corn.

It is important to supplement their diet with calcium and other vitamins/minerals for optimal health. Feed your turtle 3-4 times per week in amounts that he can consume within 15 minutes; this will help prevent overfeeding which can lead to obesity.

Red-Eared Slider Feeding Schedule

In captivity, you should aim to feed your red-eared slider 2-3 times per week with a mix of high-quality pellets or turtle sticks, fresh vegetables such as lettuce and spinach, live insects like crickets and earthworms (or their frozen equivalents), and occasional treats such as wax worms or shrimp. Ensure that all food is appropriately sized for the size of your turtle before feeding them.

What Vegetables Can Red-Eared Sliders Eat?

Red-eared sliders are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. When it comes to vegetables, red-eared sliders can eat a wide variety of options such as lettuce, kale, carrots, squash, spinach, and other leafy greens. They also enjoy munching on fruits like strawberries or apples.

It’s important to make sure that all the produce you feed your slider is washed thoroughly before consumption so it won’t cause them any digestive upset.

What to Feed Red-Eared Slider Baby Turtles?

Baby red-eared slider turtles should be fed a diet that is made up of both animal and plant-based foods. Animal proteins such as earthworms, crickets, and small feeder fish are great sources of nutrition for young turtles. Additionally, chopped fruits and vegetables like lettuce, spinach, strawberries, and zucchini provide important vitamins and minerals to ensure your baby turtle grows healthy and strong.

Make sure to monitor the size of the food you provide so it can easily fit into their mouths without difficulty or danger.

What Do Red-Eared Slider Turtles Eat in the Wild?

Red-eared slider turtles eat a variety of plants, insects, small fish, and other invertebrates in the wild. They feed on aquatic vegetation such as duckweed, algae, and water crowfoot as well as aquatic snails, worms, and crustaceans. Adult red-eared sliders also enjoy eating frogs or crayfish when they come across them.

What is the Best Food for Red-Eared Sliders?

Red-eared sliders are a type of semi-aquatic turtle commonly found in pet stores and aquariums. As with any other type of pet, it is important to provide your red-eared slider with the best food possible in order to keep them healthy. The ideal diet for these turtles should include a variety of fresh foods that contain plenty of protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals.

Commercial turtle diets such as pellets or sticks can also be given but should not make up the majority of their diet since they lack some essential nutrients and are typically high in fat. Fresh vegetables like kale, squash, collard greens, dandelion leaves, carrots, and zucchini will provide much-needed fiber as well as necessary nutrients for growth; however, you must avoid spinach due to its oxalic acid content which interferes with calcium absorption by the turtle’s body.

Live prey items such as crickets or earthworms can also be offered on occasion but should not make up more than 25% of the overall diet since they do not offer all the necessary nutrients that commercial diets provide.

Additionally, fish can be fed sparingly (once every two weeks) because there is a risk associated with parasites if taken from an unknown source. Providing your red-eared slider with this varied yet nutritious diet will ensure a long life full of health!

How Often Do You Feed Red Eared Slider Turtles?

Feeding your red-eared slider turtle is an important part of taking care of them, as it helps to ensure that they get the nutrition they need to be healthy and happy. The amount you feed your red-eared slider turtle will depend on its age and size, but generally, you should feed them 1-3 times daily. For young turtles (under 4 inches in length) a pinch or two of commercial pellets or dried shrimp is enough for each meal.

As they grow older, you can start offering bigger pieces of food such as small crickets and worms. You may also offer some fresh vegetables like spinach, kale, or collard greens once a week; however, these should not make up more than 10% of their diet since turtles require higher levels of protein than most other pet reptiles. Additionally, calcium supplements can be added to their food every few days to help prevent metabolic bone disease which is common in captive aquatic turtles.

What Not to Feed Red-Eared Sliders?

Red-eared sliders are a popular species of turtle, but they require special care and attention in order to stay healthy. One important aspect is their diet; it’s important to know which foods are safe for them, and which ones should be avoided. While red-eared sliders may enjoy eating certain foods that humans or other animals might consume, there are some items that you should never feed your pet turtle.

These include processed meats such as hot dogs, deli meats, sausages, and bacon; dairy products like cheese or milk; sweets such as candy or chocolate; nuts and seeds (as these can get caught in the throat); raw meat/fish (these can contain parasites); canned vegetables (most canned veggies have added salt); avocados (which can lead to digestive problems); lettuce (which does not provide adequate nutrition); acid fruits like oranges and lemons; human vitamin supplements or any medication not specifically made for turtles.

It’s also best to avoid feeding them insects unless you know where they came from some insects may carry diseases that could harm your pet’s health. Finally, it’s important to remember that while many people think of fish as a part of a turtle’s diet – due to their aquatic nature red-eared sliders do not eat fish!

Can I Feed My Red Eared Slider Lettuce?

Yes, you can feed your red eared slider lettuce. In fact, lettuce is a great food for them because it provides important vitamins and minerals that are essential for their health. However, you should be aware of the type of lettuce you give to your turtle.

Icebergs or head lettuces contain very little nutritional value compared to leafy green varieties like romaine or butterhead. Additionally, some experts suggest avoiding dark-colored lettuces such as kale or spinach due to their oxalic acid content which can cause bladder stones in turtles if eaten in excessive amounts.

It’s best to provide variety when feeding your pet turtle so they get all the nutrients they need; this means supplementing their diet with other vegetables such as collard greens and dandelion leaves (not lawn clippings!), plus fruits like apples, strawberries, and bananas in moderation.

Can Red-Eared Slider Eat Cucumber?

Yes, Red-Eared Sliders can eat cucumbers. Cucumbers is a nutritious snack for the turtles and should be served in small pieces. It’s important to remove any skin or seeds from the cucumber before feeding it to your turtle as this can cause digestive distress.

It’s also recommended that you only give your Red-Eared Slider cucumber occasionally, as part of its varied diet.

Can Red-Eared Sliders Eat Tomatoes?

Yes, Red-eared sliders can eat tomatoes, although they should be fed in moderation. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A and C, but they also contain a lot of sugar and acidity which could upset the slider’s stomach if too many are given. Additionally, tomato leaves are toxic to turtles and should never be fed to them; only the fleshy fruit itself is safe for consumption.

Can Red-Eared Sliders Eat Celery?

Yes, Red-Eared Sliders can eat celery. Celery is a great source of dietary fiber for these turtles, as well as vitamin A, folate, and other essential vitamins and minerals. However, it should only be fed to Red-Eared Sliders in moderation since it’s low in protein and calcium.

As with any food item, make sure the celery is washed properly before feeding it to your turtle!

How To Feed Red-Eared Slider Turtle (Complete Feeding Guide)


Red Eared Slider turtles require a varied and balanced diet to remain healthy. It is important to understand the dietary needs of these reptiles and make sure their diet consists of both commercial turtle food, as well as fresh vegetables, fruits, insects, and protein sources.

By providing a nutritious diet for your pet turtle you will be sure that it remains happy and healthy for many years to come.