What to Feed Baby Red Eared Slider Turtles?

Baby Red eared slider turtles require a diet that is high in protein and fats to help their growth. They should be fed a variety of foods, including live insects such as crickets, mealworms, and wax worms; dark leafy greens such as collard greens, dandelion greens, or kale; aquatic plants like duckweed or water lettuce. You can also feed them commercial turtle food pellets, freeze-dried krill, or shrimp for treats.

It’s important to vary their diet to avoid nutrient deficiencies so they get the right balance of proteins and vitamins. Feeding should be done two times per day with only enough food that the turtle can eat within 5 minutes.

When it comes to feeding baby red-eared slider turtles, it is important to ensure they are receiving a balanced diet. A good option for young turtles is a commercial turtle food specifically designed for them. This food should contain the proper amounts of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that all growing turtles need.

How Often Do You Feed a Baby Red-Eared Slider?

When it comes to caring for a baby red-eared slider, feeding is one of the most important aspects. It’s essential to ensure that your pet turtle gets the right amount and type of food in order to stay healthy and happy. As such, it’s important to know how often you should be feeding your baby turtle.

Generally, an adult red-eared slider will need to be fed once or twice a week with a diet consisting mostly of vegetables and some animal protein (such as live insects). They’ll need more frequent feedings due to their fast growth rate and high metabolism rates.

A good rule of thumb when feeding a baby red-eared slider is three times per week; this allows them enough time to digest their food properly while still giving them the nutrition they need for proper development and growth. Be sure not to overfeed your little guy either – too much food can lead to obesity which can ultimately cause serious health problems down the road!

How Do You Take Care of a Baby Red-Eared Slider Turtle?

Taking care of a baby Red-Eared Slider Turtle requires dedication and commitment, but the rewards are worth it! To provide your turtle with an optimal environment to live in, you should consider factors such as the size of the enclosure, temperature control, and proper diet. The first step is to get an appropriate tank or aquarium for your red-eared slider.

The size should be proportional to its current size; babies will need at least 10 gallons of water while adults require 20 or more. You’ll also need a tight-fitting lid so that he can’t escape. Next, make sure you have good filtration for the tank/aquarium since turtles produce a lot of waste which needs to be removed daily from their habitat.

Additionally, install submersible heaters so that you can maintain an ideal temperature range between 75°F (24°C) – 80°F (27°C). Finally, create basking areas using rocks or logs where they can dry off completely when needed. When it comes to diet, include both aquatic and terrestrial foods like small pellets designed specifically for reptiles along with vegetables like carrots and kale plus some occasional feeder fish if available in your area.

Remember that cleanliness is key: change 25% – 50% percent of the water every week depending on how much food your turtle has eaten during this period along with regular cleaning and maintenance inside the enclosure itself!

What Fruits Can Baby Red-Eared Sliders Eat?

Baby red-eared sliders are omnivores and will eat a wide variety of foods, including both animal and plant matter. When it comes to fruit, there are several types that they can enjoy. Apples should be cut into small chunks so the turtle can easily grasp them; other fruits like grapes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, pears, and melons need to be diced or mashed before being given to your baby turtle.

Be sure to remove seeds from any fruit you give as these may cause blockage or digestion issues in the turtle’s digestive system. Vegetables such as carrots (shredded), romaine lettuce (chopped) green beans, and peas make great additions to their diet as well!

Can Baby Red Eared Turtles Eat Lettuce?

Yes, baby red eared turtles can eat lettuce. In fact, it is actually a great food source for them as it provides essential vitamins and minerals to their diet. Lettuce should be cut into small pieces before being fed to the baby turtle so that they are able to swallow them easily.

When selecting lettuce for your turtle, try and get dark green leafy varieties such as Romaine or Butter lettuces which offer more nutrients than iceberg lettuce. Additionally adding other kinds of vegetables like carrots or squash can also give variety in texture and flavor while still providing important dietary requirements.

Be sure not to overfeed your turtle, however; too much food could lead to health problems down the road so only feed what they will consume in one sitting per day!

Basic Baby Red Eared Slider Turtle Care


Feeding baby Red Eared Slider turtles can seem a bit daunting. However, with the right knowledge and resources, it doesn’t have to be. The key is to provide them with a balanced diet that includes proteins, vegetables, and aquatic plants.

It’s also important to understand when they are ready for more challenging food items like shrimp or crickets. With proper care and nutrition, your little Red Eared Sliders will grow into healthy adults!