What to Feed a Box Turtle in Captivity?

Box turtles are one of the most popular reptiles to keep as pets. When kept in captivity, they need a diet that closely resembles their natural environment in order to stay healthy and happy. A balanced diet for box turtles includes fresh vegetables such as leafy greens, squash, carrots, and tomatoes; fruits such as apples and pears; live insects like mealworms or crickets; and commercial turtle food pellets designed specifically for omnivorous reptiles.

Additionally, providing your box turtle with calcium powder supplements can help them absorb essential vitamins from their food sources more efficiently. It’s important to provide cuttlebone or mineral blocks for additional calcium.

The food should be supplemented with a multivitamin/mineral supplement that is specifically formulated for reptiles once per week. All food items should be washed thoroughly before feeding them to your box turtles.

What Vegetables Do Box Turtles Eat?

Box turtles are omnivores and enjoy a variety of fruits, vegetables, insects, and even meat. When it comes to vegetables, box turtles will happily munch on leafy greens such as dandelion leaves, clover leaves, wild lettuce, endive, and kale. They also like carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes.

Additionally, they may consume mushrooms or some other fungi found in their environment. It’s important to provide your box turtle with a balanced diet that includes both animal proteins such as insects or worms as well as plant-based foods like the ones listed above.

What Can Box Turtles Not Eat?

Box turtles are omnivores, but they should never be given processed or canned foods. In fact, there are some foods that box turtles simply cannot eat such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and potatoes. These items can cause digestive problems for the turtle and should be avoided at all costs.

Additionally, wild-caught aquatic prey like fish and frogs may contain parasites which can also harm your pet’s health so it is best to avoid them as well.

What Do Box Turtles Eat in the Wild?

Box turtles are omnivorous and feed on a variety of plant and animal material found in the wild. They typically consume insects, worms, slugs, snails, mushrooms, fruits, berries, aquatic vegetation, and carrion. In addition to these items they also eat various types of flowers as well as smaller vertebrates such as frogs or fish.

Box turtles benefit from having access to a variety of food sources; this helps ensure that their diet is balanced and provides them with all the nutrients necessary for optimal health.

What Does a Box Turtle Eat in Captivity?

A box turtle is an omnivore, meaning they will eat both plant and animal matter. In captivity, a healthy diet for your box turtle should include fresh vegetables such as collard greens, turnip greens, dandelion leaves and flowers, kale, squash blossoms, or zucchini. Fruits like strawberries can also be fed in small amounts.

Additionally, you can feed them commercially available pellet diets that are high in calcium and Vitamin D3 as well as other vitamins. Insects can also be offered such as mealworms or crickets (gut loaded with calcium powder). For variety you may choose to provide pet store bought canned insects such as wax worms or super worms but these should only make up about 10 percent of their overall food intake due to the higher fat content found in these items.

Be sure to avoid feeding wild caught insects which could contain parasites or pesticides from the environment where it was collected from. Finally, it is important to supplement all foods with a multivitamin/mineral powder at least once every two weeks while providing clean water daily for hydration purposes.

What Can You Not Feed a Box Turtle?

A box turtle is a unique and fascinating pet that can bring joy to its owner for years. However, it is important to understand the dietary needs of these creatures in order to keep them healthy and happy. Unfortunately, there are certain items that you should never feed your box turtle, as they can be toxic or difficult for a box turtle to digest.

These include citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and garlic; leafy greens (such as lettuce) should also be avoided since they don’t contain enough nutrition for turtles. Any type of processed food (including canned dog/cat food) should also not be given to a box turtle because it often contains preservatives or additives which are not safe for them.

Live insects such as crickets may contain parasites so it is best avoided altogether when feeding your pet turtle. By understanding what not to feed your pet box turtle you can help ensure they stay healthy and enjoy their time with you!

What Food Can Box Turtles Eat?

Box turtles are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. They can eat a variety of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, insects (like worms or crickets), and even small amounts of meat. Fruits that box turtles enjoy include apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, and strawberries.

Vegetables like collard greens, dandelion greens, and bell peppers make excellent dietary staples for box turtles. In addition to their normal diet of fresh produce and insects, you can also offer them commercially prepared turtle food just to provide an extra boost of nutrition in their diet. It is important to remember that the majority of your pet’s diet should still come from natural sources; processed foods should only be given occasionally as treats or supplements.

It is essential that all food offered to your turtle be free from pesticides and chemicals so always wash any fruit or vegetable thoroughly before feeding it to your pet box turtle!

How Much Should a Box Turtle Eat a Day?

A box turtle’s diet should consist mostly of vegetation. They will also eat a small amount of animal protein such as insects and worms. The amount they need to eat each day depends on their age, size, and activity level; however, most experts agree that an adult box turtle should consume 1/4 cup of food per day.

Younger turtles may require more frequent meals in smaller portions. It is important to provide variety in the diet since some foods are higher in certain nutrients than others. Greens such as kale, collards, dandelion leaves, and turnip greens are excellent sources of calcium which is essential for healthy bones and shell growth.

Fruits like apples or strawberries can be offered occasionally but should not make up a significant portion of your pet’s daily intake due to their high sugar content. Protein-rich items like crickets or mealworms can also be added to the diet as treats no more than once every other week if desired. If you feed commercial turtle pellets it is still important to offer fresh fruits and vegetables regularly because these products lack many essential vitamins found only in produce items. Providing proper nutrition helps keep your box turtle active and happy!

Feeding My Box Turtles!


Overall, it is important to provide a balanced diet for your box turtle when kept in captivity. A combination of fresh fruits and vegetables, supplemented with store-bought commercial diets can ensure that your pet gets the nutrients they need. It’s also important to provide clean water and access to natural light or UVB lighting. With proper nutrition, your box turtle will stay healthy and happy!