What Fish Can Red Eared Sliders Eat?

Red-eared sliders (RES) are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. In their natural habitat, RES will feed on aquatic plants such as duckweed, algae, and waterlilies; as well as worms, snails, crickets, and other small invertebrates. In captivity, it is important to provide a varied diet of appropriate foods for your pet RES in order to ensure optimal health.

Recommended items include dark leafy greens such as kale or spinach; commercial turtle food pellets; earthworms; live bugs like mealworms or waxworms; shrimp or crayfish (raw with no seasoning); cooked lean meats such as boiled chicken breast without skin/fat; fresh fruits such as apples or melons (no citrus). Avoid feeding processed human foods that contain sugar or salt. Provide these items sparingly because too much protein can lead to an unhealthy turtle with shell deformities.

What Can Red-Eared Sliders Eat?

Red-eared sliders are omnivorous and can be fed a variety of foods. They will happily eat store-bought turtle pellets, high-protein cat/dog food, aquatic plants such as duckweed and water lettuce, cooked chicken or fish (with no spices), earthworms, snails, crickets, waxworms, and blood worms. It is important to ensure that any animal-based proteins are boneless to avoid hurting your pet’s health.

Additionally, they should receive access to UVB lighting in order to absorb calcium from their diet which helps prevent metabolic bone disease.

Fish That Red Eared Slider Won’t Eat

If you have a Red Eared Slider turtle, you may find that there are some types of food it won’t eat. These turtles tend to be picky eaters and will often turn down certain foods such as vegetables, fruits, and even live prey. If your turtle seems uninterested in its food, try offering it commercial pellets specifically made for aquatic turtles or frozen bloodworms.

What Live Fish Can I Feed My Red-Eared Slider?

When it comes to feeding your red-eared slider, live fish is a great option. Live fish provide the necessary protein and other nutritional components that a red-eared slider needs in order to thrive. Some popular types of live fish include guppies, minnows, goldfish, and crayfish; these are all suitable for feeding your turtle.

To ensure safety when selecting live food sources for your pet, be sure to avoid wild-caught or non-aquaculture-raised species as they can contain parasites or diseases which may cause harm to both you and your turtle. Additionally, it’s important to consider the size of the fish compared with that of the turtle’s mouth so as not to choke them if they try swallowing something too big.

Lastly, feed only what your red-eared slider will consume within 10 minutes as leftover food may rot in their tank and affect water quality levels over time. With proper care and consideration are taken into account when selecting suitable living prey items for your turtle, you can rest assured knowing that their diet is being taken care of!

Do Red-Eared Sliders Eat All Fish?

No, red-eared sliders do not eat all fish. In the wild, they are primarily herbivores and feed on plants like algae or vegetation found in ponds and streams. However, they may also consume small invertebrates such as snails, worms, and insects when available.

Although some red-eared sliders will occasionally eat small fish, it is not their preferred diet. Generally, these turtles should be fed a variety of vegetables and leafy greens with occasional treats such as freeze-dried shrimp or mealworms for protein intake. It’s important to avoid overfeeding your turtle as this can lead to health issues down the line!

What Can Red-Eared Sliders Not Eat?

Red-eared sliders, also known as Trachemys scripta elegans, are a type of aquatic turtle common in the pet trade. While these turtles can be fun and interesting pets to own, it’s important to understand what they should not eat. Red-eared sliders are omnivores, meaning their diet should consist of both animal and plant matter; however, there are certain foods that can potentially harm them.

As such, red-eared slider owners must be aware of what their turtles cannot consume. The most dangerous food for red-eared sliders is live prey with shells like crayfish or snails as these may contain parasites that could infect the turtle if consumed. Additionally, red-eared sliders shouldn’t eat any kind of processed human food such as chips or crackers because they lack essential nutrients and may contain unhealthy levels of salt and fat.

Other things that should not be fed to red-eared sliders include lettuce (it contains little nutritional value), raw meat (which can transmit bacteria), canned dog or cat food (which lacks vitamins needed by reptiles), fruits containing pits like cherries or peaches (the pits contain cyanide), citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits (they have acids which can damage a turtle’s shell) and avocados (which cause severe digestive upset).

Feeding your red-eared slider an inappropriate diet will result in poor health so it’s important to make sure you feed them only appropriate items from this list: earthworms, bloodworms, krill shrimp pellets/sticks made specifically for aquatic turtles along with fresh veggies such as kale endive parsley squash zucchini romaine lettuce dandelion greens, etc.

What Fish Can I Put With My Turtle?

When it comes to choosing fish that can live harmoniously with your turtle, the most important factor to consider is whether they will be compatible in size. While some smaller types of fish may seem like a good choice, they risk being eaten by larger turtles. Instead, look for larger species such as sunfish or koi that make suitable tankmates.

These hardy species are also capable of surviving in water temperatures favored by turtles and can tolerate a range of pH levels found in tanks housing these reptiles. When selecting other aquatic creatures for your tank, avoid any small crustaceans such as shrimp or crayfish which could also become meals for your pet turtle instead opt for snails and crabs instead.

If you want to add more variety to your aquarium, keep an eye out for catfish who have a peaceful temperament and appreciate the same warm water conditions preferred by turtles; however it’s important to note that their diet should include both plant matter and meat-based food sources so ensure you invest in supplemental feeding items if keeping them together long term.

Stocking My Turtle Tank With Feeder Minnows!


Red-eared sliders can enjoy a wide variety of food items that are not only nutritious and tasty but also help to keep them healthy. These include fresh vegetables, commercially prepared turtle pellets, live invertebrates such as crickets and earthworms, and fish that are appropriate for their size. It is important to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals as well.

By providing the proper nutrition for your red-eared slider you will ensure they lead a long happy life in your aquarium or pond!