What Fish Can Live With Yellow Bellied Turtles?

The type of fish that can live with yellow-bellied turtles depends on the environment they are in. In an aquarium, some common species include mollies, platys, swordtails, and guppies. In outdoor ponds or tanks, koi carp and bass can be compatible with yellow-bellied turtles.

It is important to note that these fish should not be kept together if their sizes differ too much as larger predatory species may feed on the smaller ones. Additionally, any other aquatic animals such as frogs should not be introduced into a tank where there are both turtles and fish present due to potential territorial conflicts between them.

Yellow-bellied turtles are a great addition to any freshwater or brackish aquarium, and they can live happily with many other types of fish. Popular tankmates for yellow-bellied turtles include swordtails, platies, mollies, gouramis, and danios. These species all thrive in similar temperature ranges as the turtle and provide an interesting mix of schooling behavior. Additionally, these peaceful community fish should not pose a threat to the more docile nature of yellow-bellied turtles.

List of Fish That Can Live With Turtles

When deciding to add a turtle to your fish tank, it is important to consider which types of fish can live peacefully with them. Some species that are known for being compatible with turtles include Corydoras Catfish, Gouramis, Plecos, Danios, and Tetras. These fish should not be too small or large compared to the size of the turtle as this could result in an unbalanced ecosystem.

Additionally, make sure these fish do not have any aggressive tendencies as they could potentially harm the turtle.

Can a Yellow Bellied Slider Live With a Red Eared Slider?

Yes, a yellow-bellied slider and a red-eared slider can live together. However, it is important to house the two turtle species in an appropriately large habitat with plenty of room for both to swim and rest. Additionally, you should ensure that their water temperature and pH levels are suitable for both turtles as they have different requirements for their environment. With proper care, these two types of turtles can live happily side-by-side!

What Fish Can I Put With My Turtle?

When looking for a companion to put with your pet turtle, it’s important to consider compatibility. While there are many different types of fish that can live peacefully alongside turtles, some species can be aggressive and should be avoided. One popular option is the African Dwarf Frog which requires very little maintenance and will coexist well with turtles in an aquarium or pond setting.

Other options include Weather or Paradise Fish, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Siamese Fighting Fish (Beta) and various species of Rasboras and Danios. All of these fish require similar water parameters as turtles but may not fare well if the tank/pond has too much surface agitation from a filter or other sources so keep that in mind when selecting your new fishy friends! Be sure to research any additional requirements needed for each type of fish before adding them to your setup – such as diet needs and water temperature preferences – so you can provide the best environment possible for all inhabitants.

What Fish Can Yellow Belly Slider Turtles Eat?

Yellow belly slider turtles are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, their diet may include aquatic vegetation, insects, worms, and small fish. In captivity, it is important to feed them an appropriate diet in order to ensure optimal health for your pet turtle.

When it comes to what kind of fish that yellow belly slider turtles can eat, there are a few options available. Smaller varieties such as minnows or guppies make good choices since they provide your turtle with protein without being too large for them to swallow whole. Other suitable types of fish include tilapia fillets (with no bones), earthworms, and shrimp meat (which should be deveined first).

Additionally, you can also offer your turtle commercially produced pellets specifically made for aquatic turtles like Yellow Belly Sliders so that they get the right balance of nutrients needed in their diet just be sure not to overfeed!

Do Yellow Slider Turtles Eat Fish?

Yes, yellow slider turtles can eat fish. In the wild, they will mostly feed on aquatic insects, crustaceans, and other small invertebrates, but they also enjoy eating smaller fish if given the chance. Fish is an important part of a yellow slider turtle’s diet because it provides them with essential proteins and fatty acids that are not found in their regular foods.

When selecting fish for your yellow slider turtle to eat you should look for species such as guppies or minnows that are specifically designed for aquarium use. It is also best to avoid giving your pet goldfish as these contain too much fat which may cause digestive problems in turtles when eaten regularly. You should also be sure not to overfeed your turtle as this can lead to obesity and other health issues, instead only give them enough food so that all of it has been consumed within 5 minutes of feeding time.

How Long Can a Yellow Belly Turtle Stay Out of Water?

Yellow belly turtles can stay out of water for an extended period of time, but they need to have access to a moist environment in order to survive and remain healthy. They should not be kept completely out of the water for more than one or two days at a time as this could lead to dehydration and skin problems. Additionally, if the temperature drops too low, it could put them into shock which could be fatal.

Can Fish Live With Turtles?


Yellow-bellied turtles can live with a variety of fish species in the same tank. While not all types of fish may be suitable for cohabitation, some good options are guppies, platies, and mollies. These fish should do well in an aquarium that is properly maintained and has plenty of hiding spots.

Additionally, it’s important to research any potential tankmates before introducing them into the habitat as some could become aggressive towards the turtle or other inhabitants. With proper care and research, you can create a balanced environment for your yellow-bellied turtle and their new friends!