How Long Does a Yellow Belly Turtle Live?

Yellow belly turtles typically live between 20-40 years. However, if kept in optimum conditions with a proper diet and good health care from their owners they can live even longer. In fact, some yellow bellies have been known to reach up to 50 years of age or more!

The oldest recorded was over 90 years old when it died. Generally speaking, these turtles will live anywhere from 2 – 5 decades depending on the environment and care that they are given. With a healthy lifestyle and regular vet visits, they can easily outlive most other pet species.

How Long Can a Yellow Belly Turtle Live Without Food?

Yellow belly turtles are known to be able to survive for a long period of time without food. In general, they can go up to three months without eating and still remain healthy. This is because their metabolism slows down when food is scarce.

As such, it’s important that you provide your yellow belly turtle with nutritious meals regularly so that it can stay healthy and live its fullest life span, which can be over 50 years!

How Long Do Yellow-Bellied Sliders Live in Captivity

Yellow-bellied sliders are one of the most popular turtle species kept as pets, and they can live a long time in captivity when provided with proper care. With appropriate habitat conditions and diet, yellow-bellied sliders can live up to 40 years or more!

Yellow Belly Turtle Size

The yellow-bellied slider turtle is a medium to large-sized aquatic species, reaching up to 12 inches in shell length and weighing up to 3.5 pounds when fully grown. Its carapace (upper shell) ranges from olive green or brown with lighter coloration around the edges, while its plastron (lower shell) is predominantly yellow with some darker markings near the rear center of the plastron.

These turtles are native to North America and can be found inhabiting bodies of water such as ponds, lakes, rivers, swamps, and marshes throughout much of their natural range.

Yellow-Bellied Slider Baby Care

Caring for baby yellow-bellied slider turtles is a rewarding experience, but it’s important to do your research beforehand. Baby sliders require an enclosure that provides both land and water habitats in order to grow and thrive. They should be fed appropriate foods such as turtle pellets, commercial fish food, freeze-dried shrimp, and live or frozen bloodworms.

Additionally, they will need access to ultraviolet light sources and regular water changes in order to stay healthy. With the right care and attention, these small reptiles can make delightful pets!

Are Yellow Belly Turtles Good Pets?

Yellow belly turtles make great pets! They are a species of freshwater turtle that is generally peaceful and docile, making them excellent companions for humans. These animals have a long lifespan (up to 50 years!), so they are perfect if you’re looking for a pet that will be around for many years to come.

Yellow bellies enjoy basking in the sun and exploring their habitat, making them an active and entertaining addition to your home. They also require minimal care, needing access to clean water, humidity control through periodic misting or soaking, and proper food such as insects or commercial turtle pellets. Overall yellow belly turtles can provide hours of fun while being easy keepers at the same time what more could you ask for in a pet?

How Big Do Yellow Bellied Turtles Get?

Yellow-bellied turtles, also known as yellow-bellied sliders, are a species of semi-aquatic turtle that is native to the southeastern United States and northern Mexico. They inhabit swamps, ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams with abundant aquatic vegetation. Growing up to 25 centimeters in length (10 inches), these turtles have a fairly large size for their genus and typically reach maturity at 4 or 5 years old.

Yellow-Bellied Slider One Unique Animal To Have As A Pet


Yellow-belly turtles can be a wonderful pets to own. They are an incredibly long-lived species that can live up to 50 years with proper care and attention. With the right habitat, diet, and health maintenance these turtles can easily become lifelong companions.

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance pet that will stick around for many years to come, consider getting yourself a yellow-belly turtle!