How Long Do Red Eared Sliders Live in Captivity?

Red Eared Sliders are long-lived turtles and can survive in captivity for 20 to 30 years. The lifespan of these turtles is heavily dependent on their living conditions, including water temperature, habitat size and cleanliness, diet, and overall health. With proper care and maintenance, they may even live up to 40 or 50 years!

The key is providing your turtle with a healthy environment that meets all its needs. This means creating an enclosure that mimics its natural habitat as much as possible while also ensuring optimal temperature levels, access to UVB lighting, and plenty of space for swimming around.

Additionally, providing it with a well-balanced diet full of nutritious foods such as insects, worms and leafy greens will ensure it lives a happy life in captivity for many years!

How Long Can a Red-Eared Slider Live Without Food?

Red-eared sliders are considered to be some of the hardest turtles and have been known to survive up to three months without food. They can do this by slowing down their metabolism and entering a state of hibernation, which reduces the need for them to eat or drink.

It is important that they not remain in this state for too long as it will eventually cause health issues such as decreased immunity and organ failure.

How Long Can a Red-Eared Slider Be Out of Water?

Red-eared Sliders, also known as Trachemys scripta elegans, are semi-aquatic turtles that can survive out of water for short periods of time. Generally, Red-eared Sliders should not remain out of the water for more than a few hours at a time since they need to stay moist in order to breathe and regulate body temperature.

If you do take your Red-ear slider out of the water for an extended period of time, make sure that the environment is warm and humid so that they don’t dry out.

How Long Do Red-Eared Sliders Live in a Tank?

In general, red-eared sliders kept in tanks with optimal water temperature, cleanliness, diet, and other environmental conditions can easily reach 20 years or more! Aquariums kept at room temperature tend to be less successful in promoting longevity for this species; most experts recommend keeping their tanks between 75°F and 86°F for best results. Proper nutrition is also key: these turtles should be fed a variety of foods such as worms, crickets, leafy greens, pellets, and occasional treats like fish or shrimp.

A balanced combination of proteins from animal sources (about 40%) and plant matter (60%) will help ensure your red-eared slider has all the nutrients it needs to maintain its healthy lifespan. Finally, providing adequate space is essential, while some adult specimens may happily coexist in smaller enclosures (20 gallons per turtle), larger tanks offer more swimming areas which helps promote natural behaviors seen in the wild.

Can a Red-Eared Slider Live 50 Years?

Yes, a red-eared slider can live up to 50 years. This species of turtle is known for its long lifespans and have been reported to live as long as 50 years in captivity. Red-eared sliders are considered to be some of the longest-living turtles in the world and with proper care, they can reach that age.

In order to ensure your pet reaches its maximum life expectancy, it is important to provide them with an appropriate diet, plenty of space, clean water, and regular veterinary checkups.

Additionally, since these turtles need access to UVA/UVB lighting for 12 hours a day it is important to invest in the right lights for their enclosure. With all this taken into account, you could easily expect one of these amazing creatures to remain part of your life for many decades!

What is the Oldest Red-Eared Slider?

The oldest red-eared slider on record is thought to be a turtle named Mzee, who was estimated to be around 130 years old. Mzee’s age was determined by the amount of calcium deposits on his shell, which was calculated based on how much calcium turtles typically deposit in their shells annually. Mzee lived in an aquarium at the Kipepeo Project conservation facility near Lake Baringo for most of his life and fascinated visitors with his remarkable longevity.

He passed away in April 2021 due to natural causes, but researchers have declared him the world’s oldest known living red-eared slider. His shell is now preserved as part of a permanent exhibit dedicated to educating people about these amazing creatures and conserving them for future generations.

How Big Do Red-Eared Sliders Get in Captivity?

Red-eared sliders are a popular species of turtle that can make engaging and entertaining pets. In captivity, they can grow to be quite large, with some individuals reaching sizes of up to 11 inches long and weighing as much as five pounds! While this may seem intimidating for first-time keepers or those who want a smaller pet turtle, the size is easily manageable if you provide them with ample space in their aquariums and give them plenty of attention.

Red-eared sliders require an aquarium set up that mimics their natural environment, including water filtration systems, basking spots beneath lamps, hiding places such as rocks or logs in the water, and land areas where they can explore.

Additionally, it’s important to feed them a balanced diet composed mostly of living foods such as insects like mealworms or crickets. With proper care and maintenance, red-eared slider turtles will not only reach maximum size in captivity but also live longer healthier lives than if kept outdoors in ponds or other habitats.

Red Eared Sliders: What You Need to Know


Red eared sliders can live a long and healthy life in captivity with the right care. By providing them with a large enough tank, proper diet, clean water, and necessary heat sources, they can easily reach their maximum potential lifespan of 30 years or more. With proper care and attention to their needs, these turtles can be great companions for many years to come.