How Long Can Freshwater Turtles Hold Their Breath?

Freshwater turtles can make interesting and rewarding pets, but it’s important to understand their needs and habits in order to properly care for them. One important aspect of caring for a freshwater turtle is understanding their breathing habits, including how long they can hold their breath.

Freshwater turtles are found in a variety of habitats around the world, including lakes, rivers, and swamps. They are adapted for life in the water and have the ability to dive and swim for extended periods of time. However, like all air-breathing animals, they do need to surface occasionally to take in fresh air.

In this blog post, we will explore how long freshwater turtles can hold their breath, as well as the factors that can affect their breath-holding ability. We will also discuss some tips for keeping your freshwater turtle healthy and happy.

How Long Can Freshwater Turtles Hold Their Breath?

Freshwater turtles can hold their breath for a long time, but they need to come up for air eventually. It’s not clear exactly how long freshwater turtles can hold their breath, but it seems to be around 20 minutes or so. Some people even say that some freshwater turtles can hold their breath for up to an hour!

It is difficult to give a specific breath-holding time for all species of freshwater turtles, as there is a lot of variation among different types. However, some common species of freshwater turtles and their approximate breath-holding times are:

Turtle NameLength
Red-eared slider5-10 minutes
Painted turtle10-20 minutes
Map turtle20-30 minutes
Musk turtle30-45 minutes
Snapping turtleup to 1 hour

In general, smaller turtles tend to have shorter breath-holding times than larger turtles, and younger turtles may be able to hold their breath for longer periods than older turtles. The health and fitness of the turtle can also play a role in its breath-holding ability, as a healthy turtle will be better able to hold its breath than a sick or injured turtle.

The temperature of the water and the quality of the air can also affect a freshwater turtle’s breath-holding ability. Colder water can help a turtle conserve oxygen, allowing it to hold its breath for longer periods, while warmer water can cause the turtle to use up its oxygen more quickly. Similarly, poor air quality or low oxygen levels in the water can reduce a turtle’s breath-holding time.

Factors That Affect Breath-Holding Ability In Freshwater Turtles

Freshwater turtles can hold their breath for varying amounts of time, depending on a number of factors such as size, age, health, and environmental conditions. There are several factors that can affect a freshwater turtle’s breath-holding ability, including:

  1. Size and weight: Larger turtles tend to have longer breath-holding times than smaller turtles, as they have more body mass and a larger oxygen storage capacity.
  2. Age: Younger turtles may be able to hold their breath for longer periods than older turtles, as their bodies are generally more efficient at conserving oxygen.
  3. Health and fitness: A healthy, fit turtle will generally be able to hold its breath for longer periods than a sick or injured turtle.
  4. The temperature of the water: Colder water can help a turtle conserve oxygen, allowing it to hold its breath for longer periods, while warmer water can cause the turtle to use up its oxygen more quickly.
  5. Quality of the water: Poor water quality or low oxygen levels in the water can reduce a turtle’s breath-holding time.

Tips For Keeping Your Freshwater Turtle Healthy And Happy

Here are some tips for keeping your freshwater turtle healthy and happy:

  • Maintain proper water temperature and quality

Freshwater turtles need water that is clean and well-oxygenated. Keep the water in your turtle’s habitat clean by performing regular water changes and using a good-quality water conditioner. It’s also important to maintain the proper water temperature for your turtle’s species. Most freshwater turtles prefer water temperatures in the range of 70-80°F (21-27°C).

  • Provide a suitable habitat and plenty of room to swim and dive

Freshwater turtles need plenty of room to swim and dive, so make sure your turtle’s enclosure is large enough to accommodate its size and activity level. A basking area, where the turtle can bask in the warmth of a heat lamp or other heat source, is also important.

  • Ensure the turtle gets enough exercise and has a varied diet

Freshwater turtles need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and fit. Providing your turtle with a spacious enclosure and plenty of toys and other items to swim around and explore can help keep it active. A varied diet is also important for a healthy turtle. Offer a variety of foods, including leafy greens, vegetables, and a small amount of protein (such as worms or small fish). Avoid overfeeding your turtle, as obesity can be a problem for some species.

  • Handle your turtle gently and avoid stressing it out

Freshwater turtles can be sensitive to handling, so it’s important to be gentle and avoid stressing them out. Avoid picking up your turtle by its tail or flippers, as this can cause injury. Instead, support its body gently with both hands.

Can Freshwater Turtles Breathe Underwater?

Freshwater turtles need to surface periodically to take in fresh air. They cannot breathe underwater in the same way that fish can. However, some species of freshwater turtles, such as the red-eared slider, have developed adaptations that allow them to stay underwater for extended periods of time.

For example, they may be able to absorb oxygen through their skin or through special structures in their mouth or throat. These adaptations allow them to remain submerged for long periods while they sleep or rest, but they still need to surface periodically to take in fresh air.

In Summary

Freshwater turtles can hold their breath for varying amounts of time, depending on a range of factors such as size, age, health, and environmental conditions. It is important to understand these factors and to properly care for your turtle to ensure its health and well-being.

By providing suitable habitat, plenty of room to swim and dive, and a varied diet, you can help your turtle stay healthy and fit, which can improve its breath-holding ability.

It’s also important to maintain proper water temperature and quality and to handle your turtle gently to avoid stressing it out. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your freshwater turtle has a long and happy life as a pet.


Can freshwater turtles sleep underwater?

Yes, freshwater turtles can sleep underwater. Like other turtles, they are able to hold their breath for extended periods of time while they sleep, allowing them to sleep underwater without any problems. Freshwater turtles are adapted to living in aquatic environments and are able to sleep underwater just like marine turtles.

Do freshwater turtles need to be in water all the time?

Freshwater turtles need access to water at all times, but they do not need to be in the water constantly. In the wild, these turtles will spend a lot of their time in the water, but they will also come out onto land to bask in the sun and forage for food. In captivity, it is important to provide a suitable habitat that includes both a water area and a land area so that the turtle can exhibit its natural behaviors.

Can freshwater turtles live without water?

Freshwater turtles cannot survive without access to water. These animals need to be able to immerse themselves in water in order to regulate their body temperature, hydrate their skin, and eliminate waste. It is essential to provide a suitable habitat with access to clean, fresh water at all times in order to keep a freshwater turtle healthy and happy.