How Long Can Aquatic Turtles Be Out Of Water?

Aquatic turtles are a popular choice for pets due to their relatively low maintenance and fascinating behaviors. These turtles are native to aquatic environments and require access to clean water for swimming and soaking in order to stay healthy and happy.

However, it is important for owners to understand the proper care and handling of aquatic turtles, including how long they can be out of water. In this blog post, we will explore the factors that affect the length of time an aquatic turtle can be out of the water, as well as tips for ensuring your turtle has access to clean water and suitable habitat.

We will also discuss common health issues that can affect aquatic turtles and how to prevent or treat them. By understanding the needs of your aquatic turtle, you can provide the best possible care and create a happy and healthy home for your pet.

How Long Can Aquatic Turtles Be Out Of Water?

The length of time an aquatic turtle can be out of water depends on several factors, including the species of turtle, its age, and its size. In general, younger and smaller turtles have a harder time regulating their body temperature and may need to be out of water for shorter periods of time.

Larger and older turtles may be able to tolerate being out of water for longer periods of time, but it is still important to monitor their behavior and condition while they are out of water.

If you do need to handle your aquatic turtle while it is out of the water, it is important to do so safely and comfortably for both you and the turtle. This may involve using a towel or other protective barrier to prevent the turtle from slipping or falling and taking care not to squeeze or apply too much pressure on the turtle’s shell. It is also a good idea to have someone else present to help you, especially if you are inexperienced with handling turtles.

How To Ensure Your Aquatic Turtle Has Access To Water?

Ensuring that your aquatic turtle has access to clean water is an essential part of proper care. Here are some tips for providing a suitable water source for your turtle:

  1. Choose a tank or pond that is appropriately sized for your turtle: Aquatic turtles need plenty of room to swim and explore, so it is important to provide a large enough water source.
  2. Use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and other chemicals from the water: These chemicals can be harmful to turtles and other aquatic life.
  3. Test the water quality regularly: Use a water test kit to check the pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in the water. Maintaining proper water quality is essential for the health and well-being of your turtle.
  4. Perform regular water changes: It is important to change a portion of the water in your turtle’s tank or pond every week to remove excess waste and toxins.
  5. Consider using a water filter: Water filters can help to keep the water clean and clear, and can make maintenance easier. There are a few types of filters available, including chemical, biological, and mechanical filters. Choose a filter that is suitable for your turtle’s needs and the size of its habitat.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your aquatic turtle has access to clean and healthy water at all times.

Caring Tips For Aquatic Turtles

In addition to providing a suitable water source and maintaining clean water, there are several other considerations for caring for aquatic turtles:

  • Provide a suitable habitat

Aquatic turtles need a habitat that is appropriate for their size and species. This may include a tank or pond with a substrate, such as gravel or sand, as well as heating and lighting to mimic their natural environment. It is also important to provide hiding places for your turtle to retreat to when it feels threatened or stressed.

  • Maintain a proper diet and nutrition

Aquatic turtles need a balanced diet that includes a variety of protein sources, such as worms, insects, and commercial turtle pellets. It is also important to provide vegetables and fruits as a source of fiber and nutrients.

  • Watch for common health issues

Aquatic turtles can be prone to certain health issues, such as respiratory infections, shell rot, and parasites. It is important to be aware of the signs of these issues and seek veterinary care as needed. Preventive measures, such as maintaining a clean habitat and feeding a balanced diet, can help to reduce the risk of these health problems.

By providing suitable habitats, maintaining a proper diet and nutrition, and being aware of common health issues, you can help to ensure the health and well-being of your aquatic turtle.

Do Aquatic Turtles Need To Get Out Of The Water?

Aquatic turtles, like all reptiles, need to have access to both water and a dry area in their habitat. They should be provided with a basking area where they can get out of the water and dry off.

This is important because turtles need to regulate their body temperature and absorb heat and UVB light through their skin in order to metabolize their food and maintain their immune system. In addition, being able to get out of the water and move around on land allows them to exercise and stretch their muscles, which is important for their overall health.

How Long Can Aquatic Turtles Be In Water?

Aquatic turtles can spend most of their time in the water, but they still need to have access to a dry area where they can bask and regulate their body temperature. How long they can stay in the water will depend on the species and the conditions of their habitat.

For example, red-eared sliders, a common species of aquatic turtle, are well-adapted to life in the water and can spend most of their time there. However, they still need to have access to a basking area where they can dry off and warm up. Other species of aquatic turtles, such as box turtles, are less adapted to life in the water and may not be able to stay in it for as long.

Aquatic Turtles Should Never Be Left In The Sun

It’s generally not recommended to leave aquatic turtles in direct sunlight for long periods of time, as they can overheat and become stressed. Aquatic turtles need access to UVB lighting and a basking area where they can warm up, but it’s important to provide these things in a way that doesn’t put them at risk of overheating.

Aquatic turtles are ectothermic, which means that they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. In the wild, they would bask in the sun to warm up and then return to the water to cool off. In captivity, it’s important to replicate this natural behavior by providing a basking area that is warm enough for them to thermoregulate, but not so hot that they become stressed or overheated.

Aquatic Turtles Can Die If They Are Kept In Cold Water

Aquatic turtles need to have access to water that is warm enough to allow them to thermoregulate and metabolize their food properly. If the water in their habitat is too cold, it can lead to health problems and even death.

The specific temperature requirements for aquatic turtles will depend on the species. In general, the water temperature should be kept between 78-82°F (25-28°C) for most species. The air temperature in the enclosure should also be kept within a suitable range, with a basking area that is warm enough for the turtle to thermoregulate.


it is important to properly care for aquatic turtles by providing access to clean water and suitable habitat. The length of time an aquatic turtle can be out of water depends on factors such as species, age, and size, and it is important to monitor the turtle’s behavior and condition while it is out of water.

Ensuring that your turtle has access to clean water involves choosing a suitable water source, using a water conditioner, testing the water quality, and performing regular water changes. In addition to water and swimming needs, it is important to provide a suitable habitat, maintain a proper diet and nutrition, and be aware of common health issues in order to provide the best care for your aquatic turtle.