Do Box Turtles Stay With Their Eggs?

Yes, box turtles typically stay with their eggs until they hatch. Box turtle mothers will lay several clutches of eggs throughout the summer and then guard them against predators. They will dig a shallow nest in which to lay their eggs, cover it up again, and then wander off to feed or bask.

The mother usually returns once a day to check on her clutch of eggs but may leave them unattended for days at a time while she searches for food or mates. Female box turtles are fiercely protective of their nesting area and may hiss or bite if disturbed during the egg-laying process. Once the eggs have hatched, however, the mother abandons her young; they must make it on their own after that point!

How Long Do Box Turtles Sit on Their Eggs?

Box turtles are known for their long lifespans, and they can lay eggs several times over the course of their lives. However, once a box turtle lays its eggs, it will usually sit on them until they hatch. Depending on the temperature, this process usually takes between two to three months before hatching occurs.

Female box turtles guard their nests against predators such as raccoons or skunks by staying in close proximity to the nest site during incubation and even after hatching has occurred. The length of time that a female box turtle sits on her eggs is dependent upon both environmental factors like temperature and species-specific behavior; however, typically she may remain at the nest site anywhere between 50 days up to 90 days.

Additionally, research has indicated that some female box turtles have been known to return year after year to the same nesting sites where they successfully laid eggs and hatched young previously in order to repeat the breeding success again!

What Do Box Turtles Do With Their Eggs?

Box turtles lay their eggs in the soil or leaf litter, usually in a warm and moist environment. The female will dig a small hole with her hind legs to deposit her clutch of 2-8 eggs into the ground. After laying her eggs, she covers them up with dirt and leaves them to incubate on their own without any parental care, as most turtle species do.

The temperature at which box turtle eggs incubate determines the sex of offspring; cooler temperatures produce males while warmer temperatures yield females. The development time for these eggs can range from two months to over a year depending on weather conditions and temperatures throughout the season.

Box turtles have an interesting adaptation where they store energy within their bodies that allows them to delay hatching until optimal conditions are present so that more hatchlings survive if it’s too cold outside during the usual breeding period. Once hatched, baby box turtles must fend for themselves immediately as there is no parental protection or guidance provided by adults whatsoever!

What Months Do Box Turtles Lay Eggs?

Box turtles are one of the most iconic species of turtle, and they lay eggs during certain months. Typically, box turtles in North America lay their eggs between May and July each year. These egg-laying periods can differ slightly depending on the region or climate where they inhabit.

For instance, box turtles found in northern climates may start laying eggs earlier than those found in southern regions due to a longer growing season. During this mating period, male box turtles will court female box turtles by bobbing their heads, waving their arms around their neck area and even making vocalizations such as hissing or grunting noises.

Once the female has been successfully courted she will begin nesting activities which include digging a nest into loose soil with her hind legs and then depositing anywhere from 3 to 10 leathery white eggs into it before covering them up again with dirt for incubation. Incubation times vary based on temperature but typically last 8-12 weeks until hatching occurs at which point baby hatchlings emerge from their protective shells!

What Happens After a Box Turtle Lays Her Eggs?

Once a box turtle lays her eggs, she will usually bury them in the ground and leave them to incubate. As a result of this process, the eggs can take anywhere from 60-90 days to hatch. During this time, the mother turtle does not stay with or watch over her eggs; instead, she moves off and continues on with her life.

Once hatched, the baby turtles must fend for themselves as they are born fully developed and independent from their mothers. They immediately begin searching for food such as insects and worms while avoiding predators like birds of prey that would love nothing more than an easy meal of young turtle meat.

In addition to being instantly independent upon hatching, these baby turtles also have no parental guidance when it comes to learning how to survive in their environment either which is why many do not make it past their first couple months of life due to inexperience and simple bad luck!

Box Turtle Laying Eggs in Yard

Box turtles are a common sight in yards across the United States. During the spring and summer months, female box turtles will often lay eggs in gardens or other moist areas of the yard. If you’re lucky enough to have a female box turtle laying eggs in your yard, it’s important that you leave them alone so she can complete her nesting process.

The babies will hatch approximately two months after they were laid and most likely stay close to where they hatched until their shells harden up enough for them to move around safely on their own.

Box Turtles Hatching and What to Expect


Box turtles are very dedicated parents who will stay with their eggs until they hatch. They use the warmth of the sun to incubate the eggs and will protect them from predators. The female box turtle will even move her eggs if she feels that it is necessary for better protection or a suitable nesting environment.

This behavior shows just how much care and dedication these animals have for their offspring, making them some of the most devoted parents in nature!