Can Turtles Hear? What You Need To Know

Yes, turtles can hear. Hearing in turtles is done through their tympanic membrane (eardrum). Turtles have an inner ear and a middle ear which are separated by the tympanic membrane. Sounds travel through the auditory canal to reach the eardrum, causing it to vibrate which then sends signals to the brain allowing them to hear.

They use this hearing ability for communication with other turtles as well as for locating food sources. The frequency of sound waves that they can detect ranges from 20 Hz – 2000 Hz, although most studies suggest that their hearing range is more like 30-2000 Hz with peak sensitivity around 500 Hz and 1000 Hz.

Can Turtles Hear You Talk?

Turtles may not be able to understand the words you say, but they can definitely hear you talking. Turtles have ears just like us and are capable of hearing low-frequency sounds in the range of 20Hz to 1kHz.

Furthermore, turtles that live on land tend to have better hearing than those that live in water! Therefore, talking out loud near a turtle is likely to get its attention and cause it to move toward you in search of food or other stimuli.

Can Turtles Hear Music?

Turtles can hear music, although it is impossible to determine whether or not they actually enjoy the sound. Turtles have ears that are located inside their heads, but they lack an external auditory canal like humans do.

The inner ear of a turtle is connected directly to its jawbone, allowing turtles to detect vibrations in the water created by sounds traveling through it. This means that as long as a sound has enough energy and power for the vibration to reach them, turtles will be able to hear it!

Can Turtles Hear Underwater?

Turtles have the ability to hear underwater due to their closed-off ears which keep out water. The ears are also connected to a special organ called the columella, which helps turtles sense vibrations in the water and interpret them as sound.

This means that turtles can hear other animals underwater, even if they’re far away or hidden behind objects. Turtles may not be able to hear as well underwater as they do on land, but they still have an impressive sense of hearing!

Can Snapping Turtles Hear?

Snapping turtles have the ability to hear, though they are not able to distinguish between different sound frequencies. They can detect changes in air pressure which helps them determine when a predator is nearby. Snapping turtles also use their senses of sight and smell to help them survive and respond to their environment.

Do Land Turtles Have Ears?

Land turtles, or tortoises, do have ears, although they are not visible from the outside. The ears of a land turtle are located on either side of its head and are covered by a layer of skin and scales. Land turtles also have an inner ear structure that helps them sense vibrations which are used to detect predators or prey in their environment.

Can Turtles Hear You When You Talk to Them?

While turtles do not possess ears like humans and other mammals do, they are still capable of detecting sound waves traveling through the water or air. Turtles can detect low-frequency vibrations in their environment since they have an inner ear with three semicircular canals that help them sense movement and pressure changes in the environment around them.

This means that while they cannot actually hear words being spoken, they may be able to pick up on subtle changes in our body language and behavior – such as raising your voice or clapping your hands – which could indicate excitement or distress for a turtle.

So while turtles won’t necessarily understand what we’re saying word-for-word, there is evidence that suggests that certain sounds may capture their attention more than others and make us appear less threatening to them!

Do Loud Noises Bother Turtles?

Turtles are generally quite docile creatures, but they can also be easily startled by loud noises. While turtles may not react to a single loud noise the same way that humans do, it is important to recognize that too much or prolonged exposure to loud noises can cause stress and anxiety in turtles. Turtles rely on their senses of sight, smell, and hearing for everyday activities like finding food and escaping predators.

Loud noises can interfere with these activities as well as disrupt their natural behavior patterns. Additionally, some species of turtles have particularly sensitive ears which make them more susceptible to being disturbed by sudden or extended periods of loud noise.

To keep your turtle happy and healthy it is best to avoid exposing them to excessively loud sounds whenever possible; if you need to use any appliances such as vacuums or blenders near your turtle tank then try using earplugs or playing gentle music at a low volume instead so that the turtle will remain undisturbed while still allowing you access nearby items without making too much noise.


Overall, this blog post has discussed the hearing capabilities of turtles and provided several interesting facts about their auditory senses. From a scientific perspective, it is clear that turtles have some degree of hearing ability due to their eardrums and inner ear structures, but the exact extent remains unclear. Despite that uncertainty, one thing is certain: Turtles may not be able to hear in the same way as humans or other animals, but they are capable of detecting sound waves in some capacity.

As such, it’s important for us to remember that even though turtles cannot communicate with us verbally as our pets can, they still deserve respect and care based on their own unique abilities and qualities.