Can I Keep a Box Turtle I Found?

Yes, you can keep a box turtle that you found. However, it is important to note that this may not be the best decision for the turtle’s welfare. Box turtles are wild animals and do their best when left in their natural environment.

If you decide to keep the turtle as a pet, there are certain considerations to think about before making your final decision. First and foremost, make sure that it is legal in your area to own such an animal as a pet; some states have laws against keeping certain species of wildlife as pets.

Additionally, research proper care requirements like diet, housing needs, and temperature preferences so that you can provide the most suitable habitat for your new pet. If possible consider consulting with an experienced veterinarian or reptile specialist who has knowledge of these turtles’ particular needs prior to bringing one into captivity.

What Do You Do If You Find a Box Turtle?

If you find a box turtle, it’s important to pay attention to its behavior and surroundings. This species of turtle is a protected species in many areas, so you should take extra care when handling them. First, assess the environment and make sure that it is safe for the turtle.

If not, then gently move the turtle away from any potential hazards or predators such as roads or cats. Once in a safe area, observe the animal’s behavior and determine if it needs help; look out for signs of injury or distress like limping or shell damage, these could indicate other problems like dehydration or an underlying disease. If needed, contact your local wildlife rehabilitation center to get advice on how best to proceed with rescuing this wild companion!

Can I Keep a Box Turtle I Found As a Pet?

If you have found a box turtle and are considering keeping it as a pet, there is a lot to consider. While some states allow for the collection of wild box turtles, others do not, so before taking any action check your local laws. Additionally, even if you’re able to keep the turtle legally, they require specific care and habitat requirements in order to stay healthy.

Box turtles need a place to roam with plenty of plants for food and shelter from predators; an enclosure at least four feet wide by two feet deep should provide enough space for them to explore. They also require full-spectrum lighting in order to properly metabolize calcium into their shells; without this light source, they could develop metabolic bone disease or shell deformities.

Furthermore, they must be provided with clean water regularly and fed fresh fruits or vegetables along with other specialized foods such as crickets or mealworms. Although caring for your new pet may seem like quite an undertaking, it can be incredibly rewarding if done correctly!

Can I Keep a Baby Box Turtle I Found?

Finding a baby box turtle can be an exciting experience. It is important to remember that turtles are wild animals, and if you want to keep them as a pet, there are certain steps you must take. Keeping a box turtle as a pet requires research and dedication; it is not something to be taken lightly.

Depending on where you live, the laws may vary regarding keeping wild pets. Before deciding to keep your found baby box turtle, consider checking with your local wildlife agency first for advice or regulations related to caring for them properly in captivity. The most important thing when considering caring for any type of reptile is providing the necessary environment and habitat in order for it to thrive.

Baby turtles require different care than adult turtles do; they need plenty of space to roam around in, access to water (and clean water often), fresh vegetables and fruits daily along with special food pellets made specifically for them (which can usually be purchased from pet stores). Additionally, the enclosure should include places your little friend can hide safely under rocks or logs since this helps provide security which will make them feel more at home too!

How Do You Keep a Wild Box Turtle?

To keep a wild box turtle, you need to provide it with an environment that is as close to its natural habitat as possible. This means having plenty of space for the turtle to roam, an area of water for it to swim in, and hiding places where it can retreat from predators. Additionally, you’ll need to create substrates (ground cover) such as soil or sand so your turtle can dig burrows and tunnels.

Make sure you provide adequate lighting so your pet can bask in the sun’s rays if desired. You also want to make sure that the temperature and humidity are kept at levels similar to what they would be outdoors. To feed your pet, offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, or spinach alongside other protein sources such as earthworms or crickets. Remember that these turtles are wild animals who don’t always prefer human interaction, so give them their space!

Can I Keep a Turtle I Found Outside?

If you find a turtle outside, it is best to leave it where it is. Turtles are wild animals and should remain in the wild. If you take a turtle out of its natural habitat, it may not be able to survive due to changes in food sources or climate.

Additionally, keeping turtles as pets can be expensive and require specialized knowledge about their care requirements. It is also important to remember that some species of turtles are protected by law and cannot be kept as pets without special permits.

Can You Keep a Wild Baby Turtle As a Pet?

Having a wild baby turtle as a pet can be a rewarding and exciting experience, but it is important to remember that turtles are wild animals. Unless you have the proper permits, housing, nutrition, and veterinary care for your pet turtle, it is best to leave them in their natural habitat.

If you do choose to keep a wild baby turtle as a pet, make sure you understand all of the necessary requirements and research all aspects of caring for your new friend before taking them home!

My Box Turtle Care Guide! How I Take Care Of My Oldest Pet


Keeping a box turtle as a pet requires considerable commitment and responsibility from the owner. It is important to research the species of turtle you intend to keep, as they often have different requirements for housing and diet.

Furthermore, if you are considering taking in a wild-caught specimen, it is best to consult with an expert or veterinarian beforehand. Ultimately, having a box turtle can be both a rewarding and enjoyable experience when done properly!