Can Box Turtles Live in Water?

Yes, box turtles can live in water. They are semi-aquatic animals and prefer living near ponds, streams, rivers, or other bodies of water that provide plenty of wetland habitat for them to feed on aquatic vegetation and prey on insects. Box turtles have webbed feet which make them well-suited for swimming in the water.

In addition to eating plants and insects found in the water, they may also consume small fish or tadpoles. Though they need access to land as well so they must be provided with a dry area to rest when needed. Box Turtles should never be kept permanently submerged underwater as this will cause harm to their health due to lack of airflow through their shell.

Can Box Turtles Swim?

Box turtles are excellent swimmers, and swimming is an important part of their lives. They can use their strong webbed feet to propel them through the water with ease. Not only does this help them find food in aquatic environments, but it also helps them escape predators. So if you’re ever wondering if your box turtle can swim the answer is a resounding yes!

Can Box Turtles Breathe Underwater?

Box turtles are land reptiles, which means they don’t have the ability to breathe underwater. They can stay submerged for an extended period of time due to their long claws and heavy shells, however, they must come up for air eventually. If a box turtle is placed in water deeper than its shell length it will drown as it cannot breathe underwater like some other aquatic species of turtle.

How Long Can Box Turtles Hold Their Breath?

Box turtles are capable of holding their breath for an impressive amount of time up to several hours! This is largely because they have the ability to absorb oxygen through their skin when submerged in water. As such, box turtles can remain underwater much longer than other species of turtles that don’t possess this capability.

Can I Put My Box Turtle in Water?

No, you should not put your box turtle in the water. Box turtles are terrestrial (land-dwelling) animals and they need to stay on land to keep their skin healthy and avoid drowning. If a box turtle is placed in water for too long it can become dehydrated and its internal organs can begin to shut down or even fail completely.

Additionally, the shell of a box turtle is designed for protection from predators when it’s on land; when it’s submerged in water, the shell becomes soft due to prolonged contact with liquid which makes them susceptible to damage from other aquatic creatures such as fish that may mistake them for food. Therefore, if you want your pet box turtle happy and healthy, make sure it stays dry!

How Long Can a Box Turtle Stay in Water?

Box turtles are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for quite some time. However, it is important to remember that they are not aquatic creatures and should not be left in water indefinitely. Generally speaking, a box turtle can stay submerged for up to 20 minutes before needing to come up for air.

This does depend on the size of the turtle – larger turtles may be able to last longer than smaller ones due to their increased lung capacity. Diving deeper or staying underwater any longer than this has been known to lead to respiratory problems and other health issues so it is best avoided if possible. Additionally, you should never leave your box turtle unattended while swimming because they could get into trouble quickly by getting stuck in rocks or debris at the bottom of the pond or lake.

Can a Box Turtle Live in a Pool?

No, a box turtle cannot live in a pool. Box turtles are land animals and need access to dry land for basking and nesting. If a box turtle is kept in a pool, it will not be able to climb out of the water which can cause drowning.

Furthermore, chlorine added to pools can be toxic to turtles; they could absorb too much chlorine through their skin or when drinking the water, causing respiratory distress and other health issues over time. Additionally, chemical imbalances caused by chlorine may lead to shell deformities or infections such as fungus on their bodies or shells.

Therefore it is important that if you decide to keep a box turtle as a pet you provide them with an enclosure that has both wet (such as shallow puddles) and dry areas so they have plenty of space for sunning themselves away from any potential danger posed by swimming pools.



Overall, it is clear that box turtles are not aquatic creatures, and cannot live in water for an extended period of time. Despite this fact, they may still spend some time in shallow or slow-moving streams, ponds, or lakes to feed on small fish and invertebrates. It is important to keep the habitat of box turtles healthy so that they have access to these food sources.

Additionally, if you decide to keep one as a pet, it is essential not to submerge them in water unless absolutely necessary. With the right care and environment, box turtles can be active pets with long life spans.