Can Box Turtles Eat Celery?

Yes, box turtles can eat celery. Celery is a good source of vitamins A and C as well as dietary fiber, all of which are important for the overall health and wellness of your turtle. It should be chopped into small pieces before providing it to your pet to ensure that they can safely consume it.

You should also provide other vegetables in addition to celery such as kale, spinach, carrots, and squash; however, you should never feed them iceberg lettuce because it does not provide any nutritional value for them. Additionally, you should only offer these foods occasionally since too much of them can cause digestive problems in your turtle.

What is a Box Turtles Favorite Food?

Box turtles are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet should consist of a variety of foods to ensure that they get all the nutrients they need for proper growth and development. Box turtles’ favorite food is typically worms, snails, slugs, crickets, caterpillars, and other insects.

They also enjoy mushrooms, berries, flowers, and grasses as well as carrion (dead animals). It’s important to provide your box turtle with fresh food every day since some of their favorites will spoil if left out too long before consumption. Additionally, you can supplement their diet with commercially available turtle pellets or reptile vitamins to make sure your pet has a balanced diet.

What Veggies Can Box Turtles Eat?

Box Turtles can benefit from a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and insects in their diets. Some of the most popular veggies that turtles love include kale, dandelion greens, collard greens, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, and bell peppers. It is important to remember that all vegetables should be washed thoroughly before being fed to your turtle.

Can You Feed Your Turtle Celery?

Turtles can be a great pet to keep, however, it is important to know what kind of foods they can and cannot eat. One food that turtles are commonly curious about eating is celery. While it may look harmless and like something turtles would enjoy, you should avoid feeding your turtle celery at all costs!

Celery contains oxalic acid which makes it dangerous for turtles as their digestive systems are not made to process this type of food. This means that if your turtle were to ingest celery, the oxalic acid could damage its digestive system leading to serious health complications or possibly death.

Additionally, many types of vegetables contain calcium which can block the absorption of protein in your turtle’s diet making them more prone to malnutrition; this is why it’s so important not only when feeding celery but any other vegetable as well that you pay attention to the nutritional content before feeding anything new. Stick with tried-and-true recipes such as pellets, spinach leaves, and dark leafy greens for healthy options instead!

What Foods Are Toxic to Box Turtles?

There are some foods that should be avoided as they can be toxic to box turtles. These include lettuce, cabbage, and spinach as these leafy greens contain oxalic acid which is harmful to them.

Additionally, citrus fruits and tomatoes should also not be given to box turtles since they contain citric acid which can cause digestive issues for the animal. Any type of dairy products such as milk or cheese should also not be provided since they don’t offer any nutritional benefit and may lead to a gastrointestinal upset in your pet box turtle.

Raw meat or fish is off-limits due to the risk of salmonella poisoning. It’s best to stick with vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash for optimal nutrition for your pet turtle.

Can Box Turtles Eat Carrots And Celery?

Yes, box turtles can eat carrots and celery. Carrots are a great source of Vitamin A, and they contain small amounts of vitamins B6 and C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. Celery is also a good choice for box turtles as it provides them with dietary fiber while being low in calories.

Both vegetables are relatively easy to prepare as snacks for your turtle: simply chop the carrots into small pieces or shred them in order to make them easier for your turtle to chew on. The same goes for celery cut it into thin strips or chunks so that your pet can enjoy its crunchy texture without any difficulty. Additionally, both veggies offer a variety of flavors which may be beneficial when trying to encourage pickier eaters!

Can Red-Eared Slider Turtles Eat Celery?

Yes, red-eared slider turtles can eat celery! It is important to make sure it is cut into small pieces so that the turtle can easily chew and swallow it. Celery should not be given too often as part of the diet since it does not provide much nutritional value for these reptiles, but it can be used as an occasional treat or snack. Make sure to never give your turtle raw celery and always lightly steam or boil it first.

Can Water Turtles Eat Celery?

Water turtles can eat celery as a healthy snack! Celery is high in many essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C, K, and B6. It also provides fiber and calcium to your turtle’s diet.

When feeding celery to your water turtle, be sure to cut it into small pieces so that they are able to swallow them easily. Additionally, wash the celery before giving it to your pet since it may contain bacteria or dirt particles that could make them sick.

Turtles Eating Celery


Celery can be a nutritious food for box turtles and should not cause them any harm when consumed in moderation. Celery is an excellent source of vitamins A and K, as well as dietary fiber which may help to keep your box turtle’s digestive system functioning properly. However, it should still only make up part of their diet as they need balanced nutrition that includes other fruits and vegetables.

It is recommended to consult with a veterinarian before feeding celery to your box turtle so you can ensure that they receive the best nutritional care possible.