Can a Tortoise Eat Kale?

Yes, a tortoise can eat kale. Kale is an excellent leafy green vegetable for tortoises, as it has lots of vitamins and minerals that are essential for their health. It also contains fiber which helps keep the digestive system functioning properly.

Kale should be served in small amounts and should be supplemented with other vegetables such as romaine lettuce, endive, collard greens, spinach, or dandelion greens. Be sure to remove any stems or tough parts before offering kale to your pet tortoise since they may have difficulty digesting them. All vegetables should be washed thoroughly prior to feeding so that pesticides and dirt are not ingested by the animal.

Kale is a great source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the health of our shelled friends. It also provides them with dietary fiber which helps keep their digestive system healthy. However, it’s important to remember that kale should only be fed in moderation as part of an overall balanced diet for your tortoise. Since kale has a high calcium content, feeding too much could lead to problems like shell softening or metabolic bone disease.

Can Hermann Tortoises Eat Kale?

Hermann tortoises love to eat kale, as it is a great source of calcium and other important minerals. Kale is also high in fiber, so it helps keep their digestive system healthy. However, they should only be given small amounts occasionally as too much can cause gastrointestinal distress or impaction due to the oxalates found in kale.

It’s best to feed your Hermann tortoise with a variety of leafy greens like turnip greens, endive, and dandelion leaves for optimal health benefits.

Can Sulcata Tortoises Eat Kale?

Sulcata tortoises can eat kale, but it should only be offered as an occasional treat. Kale is high in oxalates which can lead to health problems if eaten in large amounts. For this reason, it is best to feed your sulcata a variety of leafy greens and vegetables rather than one type exclusively.

Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the kale you are feeding has not been treated with any pesticides or chemicals before offering it to your pet tortoise.

Can Tortoises Eat Kale Stems?

Tortoises can safely eat kale stems as part of their diet, though it should only be given in moderation. The rough texture of the stem helps keep a tortoise’s beak trimmed, but too much can cause digestive issues.

Kale is also high in calcium and other minerals that are essential for proper shell growth and health; however, because kale is relatively high in oxalates which bind to calcium, it should not make up more than 10-15% of a tortoise’s total dietary intake.

What Can Sulcata Tortoises Eat List?

Sulcata tortoises are herbivorous animals and their diet should primarily consist of leafy greens, grasses, flowers, and vegetables such as collards, mustard greens, dandelion greens, turnip tops, parsley, and hibiscus. They can also eat hay (timothy or brome) along with other vegetation such as clover and alfalfa.

Additionally, they enjoy fruits like apples or melons in moderation. It is important to feed your Sulcata a variety of foods to ensure it gets the nutrients it needs for optimal health.

What Vegetables Can Sulcata Tortoises Eat?

Sulcata tortoises are herbivores, so their diet should be composed mainly of leafy greens and vegetables. Suitable vegetables for Sulcata tortoises include collard greens, kale, turnip greens, spinach, mustard greens, dandelion leaves and flowers, parsley, squash (without the skin), bell peppers (all colors), carrots (no tops or peels), okra pods without seeds and hibiscus flowers. Fruits should only be given as an occasional treat in small amounts.

Can I Give My Tortoise Curly Kale?

Yes, you can give your tortoise curly kale! Curly kale is a great source of protein and fiber for tortoises. It also provides vitamins A, C, and K, and minerals such as calcium and iron.

It contains important phytonutrients that help keep a healthy immune system. However, it should only be served in moderation due to its high oxalic acid content which can bind with the calcium found in other foods like spinach or collard greens making them less bioavailable to the tortoise’s body. Curly kale should always be cut into small pieces or shredded before feeding so it’s easier for your pet to digest.

Be sure to serve it fresh from the garden; never canned or frozen varieties as these may contain higher levels of nitrates which are not suitable for animals.

What Leafy Greens Do Tortoises Eat?

Tortoises are omnivorous animals, meaning they will eat both plant and animal material. Leafy greens such as dandelion greens, turnip tops, collard greens, mustard greens, and kale can be a great source of nutrition for tortoises. These leafy green vegetables provide necessary vitamins A and C that help with bone development and the overall health of the tortoise.

Additionally, these types of leafy green veggies also contain important minerals like calcium which helps with strong shell growth in young tortoises. When selecting leafy greens to feed your pet tortoise it’s best to choose organic varieties when possible as conventional produce may have been treated with chemicals or fertilizers which could be harmful if ingested by your pet reptile.

When serving these fresh vegetation items try to chop them up into small pieces so that your pet does not choke on larger pieces while eating from its dish or bowl. Also, remember that too much variety can make it difficult for your pet to get all the nutrients it needs so try sticking to one type of vegetable at a time until you find what works best for your critter friend!

What Should Tortoises Not Eat?

Tortoises are one of the longest living animals on earth and it is important that their diet remains healthy. The type of food they should avoid is anything that contains high amounts of fat, sugar, or sodium as these can all contribute to health problems down the line. Additionally, tortoises should not eat any type of dairy product such as cheese or milk; this could cause digestive issues for them.

It is also important to note that some fruits and vegetables can be toxic for tortoises including rhubarb leaves and potato skin which contain oxalic acid; this causes calcium deficiency in reptiles if consumed over a long period of time. Finally, it’s important to never feed your tortoise wild plants unless you have done research into what types are safe – many plants may appear harmless but actually contain toxins which could make your pet very sick!

What Leaves Can Tortoises Not Eat

Tortoises are vegetarians, which means they only eat plants. However, not all leaves are safe for them to eat. Some of the most common leaves that tortoises should avoid include avocado and rhubarb leaves as these contain toxins that can be harmful to their health.

Additionally, other plants such as boxwood or privet shrubs have foliage with high levels of oxalic acid that can cause serious digestive issues in tortoises if consumed. Furthermore, although cabbage and kale may seem like a healthy option for your turtle friend, it’s best to stick with more natural sources of leafy greens such as dandelion greens or collard greens since these do not contain any kind of toxic compounds that could harm your pet’s health.

As always when introducing something new into your tortoise’s diet, it is important to make sure you feed them small amounts at first in order to observe how well they digest the food before giving larger quantities.

This tortoise loves to eat kale!


In conclusion, kale can be a healthy and nutritious snack for tortoises. Kale is packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that can help promote good health in turtles. However, it should only be given to them as an occasional treat since too much can cause digestive issues or other health problems.

Additionally, fresh kale should always be washed thoroughly before feeding it to your pet turtle to reduce the risk of bacteria or parasites that may make them sick. By following these simple guidelines you can provide a delicious snack for your pet tortoise without compromising their health!